We've Claimed 2 Honours at Hyndburn Business Awards 2019

We’ve Claimed 2 Honours at Hyndburn Business Awards 2019

We’ve Claimed 2 Honours at Hyndburn Business Awards 2019

By Lianna Champ

Last month saw the latest renewal of the Hyndburn Business Awards and we couldn’t be prouder to announce that our amazing team were recognised in three categories, claiming two of the awards. 

As a business, we claimed the well-sought after “Made in Hyndburn” award. Whilst I was recognised with the incredible honour of “Enterprising Woman 2019.” We were also a finalist for the “Small Business” award. 


PHOTO: The team with our Made in Hyndburn award.


At Champ, everything we do is carried out with a real sense of professionalism along with love and care to help our clients through the hardest of times. So, the fact that we’ve been recognised with these awards shows that the local community value us just as much as we value them. 

This year’s award ceremony was held at Accrington Town Hall, where over 280 representatives from other businesses across the region were in attendance. The annual award ceremony is a celebration of the diversity and quality of businesses that make Hyndburn a great place to work. 

It’s so wonderful to win the Made In Hyndburn Award for 2019. We’re so proud that our book published last year ‘How To Grieve Like A Champ’ has been recognised as an important aid to the grieving process.



On a personal level, it’s simply amazing to receive the Enterprising Woman 2019 Award and I am so grateful for the recognition I have received for my work. I have faced many challenges on my journey but each one of them has made me the person I am today. 

Winning this award would not be possible without the inspiration and support from my wonderful family and the team at Champ. 

My Mum always taught me that each day, we must serve our fellow man through our work and no matter how great or how small the job, what we do is important for society as a whole. 

I always challenge myself to perform better and to channel my passion to make a positive change in the world.


PHOTO: Lianna Champ, Enterprising Woman Award 2019


We’re confident that this won’t be the last you hear of us picking up awards for our unrivalled service and compassion.