Funeral Service
Service Details:
Silvana Kosyl
The funeral of Silvana (Sylvia) Kosyl took place on 6 May. Silvana died at home on 23 April aged 90. Silvana came to England from Italy as a teenager. She worked for over 25 years in a cotton mill in Haslingden and then for another 25 years at Joseph Arnolds in Accrington. She was a very hard and conscientious worker. She had been widowed for 20 years. She loved going into Accrington and chatting to everyone she met. She has left her only son Jan, grandchildren Krysia, Jonathan, Paul and Lise-Ann as well as great grandchildren. A special thanks to her neighbours who looked out for her and to the bus driver and passengers of the number 9 Pilkington bus. A strong character who will be missed by all who knew her. All enquiries to Champ Funeral Services